Obesity Rate in America — In-Depth Study of Causes and Solutions

Focus Better
8 min readOct 19, 2020


Obesity rate of america

Few Basic Facts about Obesity Rate in America

The obesity rate in America has become a concern by now. As the percentage of obesity in America is increasing at a steady rate. Early in 1962, the recorded percentage of obesity was 23%. Which raised to 39.4% by 1997, 44.5% in 2004, and then jumped to 56.6% in 2007. The situation went on getting worse further, in 2008, 63.8% of adults and 17% of children were recorded as obese. In 2010, the obesity rates in America crossed 65.7% Adults and 17% Children. And 63% of teenage girls become overweight by age of 11. The American Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development researched the subject in 2013. They found 57.6% of all American citizens are overweight or obese. And they predicted that ¾ of the population will become overweight and obese by 2020. A further study of the obesity rate in America revealed. It states that by 2030, 1 in 4 (24.2%) citizens will become severely obese.

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Age wise percentage of obesity in america

Is Obesity in America Percentage is Threatening?

Overweight and obesity can affect several different health issues. Including life-threatening diseases like cancer, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke.

Obesity in America rates is cited to be contributing to 100000 to 400000 deaths in the US per year. It has also increased the expenditure on health care use. Tentative costing is over $117 billion in direct and indirect costs. The direct costs include preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services related to obesity. And the indirect costs are absenteeism at work. And a loss of future earnings due to premature deaths due to overweight and obesity.

Hope the above data and study is enough to understand. It shows whether the obesity in America percentage is threatening or not.

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Reasons for Increasing Obesity Rates in the USA

As for what is driving for increasing obesity rates in the USA, there is no definite answer to it. Overconsumption of food, and an insufficient amount of physical activities, increase body weight. Pollution and usage of toxins in agriculture and other causes of this issue.

Considering the data of USDA, on average, Americans ate 20% more calories in 2000 compared to 1983. And this includes a significant boom in meat consumption. On average, in 2000, an American ate 195lbs of meat every year compare to 138lbs in the 1950s.

This is because people are confused about what to eat when to eat, and how much to eat. The pressure of daily life on the job and the family keeps people away to think about all these. It also provokes consume food as per liking, time available, and the necessity felt. A study reveals that 20% of the job needs physical activities. Hence, people who do not have physical activities must have an exercise routine in place. So that it can burn out and balance the calorie intake.

Other than all these, a few more factors can cause overweight and obesity. These are the effects of air conditioning, and delayed gratification can cause overweight. The thickness of the prefrontal cortex of the brain and genetics can also cause obesity.

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Obesity rates in america 2

How Increased Obesity Rates in The United States Affects People’s Life?

If we look deeper into how increased obesity rates in the US affects the life of general people. We find the following facts.

1) Obesity is linked to more than 60 chronic diseases. Overweight or obese people have a higher risk of catching a disease of different kinds. Including diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, cancer, and many more.

2) Around 17% of American children between the age of 2 to 19 are overweight or obese and 1 in 8 those are in the preschools. This is something to be concerned about. Overweight or obese children are 5 times more likely to become obese adults. This can increase the risk of many chronic diseases and health complications. A blessing in disguise in this. That is the obesity rates in preschoolers are on a significant downturn in recent years.

3) Researchers found that men with higher waist circumference are exposed to risk. Those in the highest 10% of measurement, risk 20 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Compared to the people with a waist circumference of the lowest 10%. Waist measurement also helps to predict or determine more. It can also help us determine which people with low or normal weight have a chance to develop diabetes.

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4) Overweight causes more casualties than being underweight. Globally, 2.8 million deaths each year are caused due to overweight and obesity. Overweight and obesity are among the top 5 causes of global death each year. The other 4 causes are high blood pressure, sugar, tobacco use, and physical inactivity. And 3 out of these 4 causes can also be a result of overweight and obesity.

5) Obesity is costly too. A person suffering from overweight or obesity has to spend more money in different ways. They often need to spend more money on eating and then on buying comfort as well as medication. As we know, obesity reduces our ability to normal work and fight diseases.

6) Overweight and obese people miss more work hours than normal, which can affect their income. It can produce an imbalance in normal family life. Which can result in more stress levels in the person as well as with other family members.

Other than all these, overweight and obesity needs to be controlled. It practically affects general people’s lives in many other ways. There is a number of possibilities to harm you. Look for ways how overweight can ruin a person’s life and the lives of people associated with them. Hence, the individual has to check to get overweight or obese. It will also help to control the increasing obesity rate in America. This is a kind of urgent and serious call to take by the citizen of the US. To put a check on the obesity rate in the USA and helping themselves at the same time. This is the best way to control the US rate of obesity as well as the health of the citizens.

Facts about obesity rates in usa

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Practical Ways to Control Obesity Rate in America

The efforts to keep your weight in check can control the obesity rate in America. Not only America, but it also can control the problem of obesity throughout the world. A few practices regularly can easily help you fight the problem.

1. Exercising: Light exercising like walking or jogging is a good way. Practicing it for 4 hours a week is enough to control gaining weight. If it can be practiced with other necessary routines, it can help us lose weight too. In real life, deficiency of energy, mindset, and time is always the constraints. To make walking or jogging a habit for life long. Even if we start, situations evolve in a direction that we could not keep up the temptation and lose the habit. It often happens many and repeated times.

2. Dieting: We are always attracted to tempting foods. And never think of controlling them on a serious note. Even if we think, we keep on delaying it for the next time when we are invited to a party or arrange them at our home. Healthy food habits are essential to be able to keep your body weight in check. Otherwise, it will go on increasing and we will not be able to control it even with exercising or other means.

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3. Taking Care of Yourself: Taking good care of yourself is essential to keep your weight in control. Everyone must follow some kind of routine to be able to take good care of themselves. Being aware of what to consume, when to consume, and how much to consume is necessary. Be it food or beverages or anything else. Knowing how much is required to meet your hunger is required. And avoiding overconsumption is extremely important to keep your weight in check. Also, knowing what to consume and when to consume is similarly important. To maintain the proper functioning of the digestive system.

4. Good Sleep: Sleep is another essential element to keep your weight in check. As inadequate sleep stimulates the secretion of the hormones that increase hunger. As a result, the overconsumption of food or beverages takes place. And that manipulates the functioning of the whole system. Hence, complete and adequate sleep is necessary to keep your body weight in check.

Obesity in america percentage spend analysis

5. Medication: If all these do not work, then going for medication is recommended. This can be of 2 types, one is natural or herbal medicine and the other is commercial medicines. Natural and herbal medicines are generally safe to use as those do not have side effects. Yet, the authenticity of these medicines needs to be checked before use. During the use of these medicines, one must be enough cautious to keep an honest eye on themselves. So that if they cause any kind of discomfort or show signs of any side effects, they can be stopped immediately. Non-natural medicine is only recommended to take under the supervision of a doctor.

These are the possible practical ways to keep body weight in check. And also contributing to control the increase of obesity rates in America. Mix and match these practices help you even lose your weight significantly. Hope this will help you the way you need to keep in check your or your near and dear one’s body weight in check. Stay fit, healthy, and happy, always. Have a good day.

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